Best ERP for Logistic and Warehouses companies

Customized solutions to maximize compatibility with your business processes.

About Us

  • We see it as our mission to free you from the accounting routine by 100%. We want you to be able to devote all your time to taking care of your customers, improving your product and maximizing profits. All accounting will be taken care of by your digital assistant Amy.
  • Today we offer solutions for businesses, private entrepreneurs and freelancers in the field of
  •        Accounting
  •        Logistics and Warehouse
  •        Records of Customers and Suppliers
  •        Agreements
  • Each of our functionalities based on specifics of your Business Processes. Thus, we increase the efficiency of your business.
  • Profit in business is an indicator of your reputation and the trust of your customers. Increase your customer confidence, maximize your profits with Amy

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Abonnieren Sie unsere E-Mail-Updates, um über Amy-Angebote sowie unsere neuesten Nachrichten, Ansichten und Ratschläge auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Who is our product for?

Our ERP system is focused on Logistic companies and companies providing storage and warehouse services.:

For Logistic and Warehouse Companies

  • Individual solution for your warehouse architecture
  • Solutions for Automation of receipt and shipment of goods
  • Notifications based on your key metrics
  • AI Optimisation of storage and delivery of goods
  • AI Chat Bot (*upcoming)
  • Mobile App for iOS, Android (*upcoming)

For Entreprises

  • Individual AI solutions based on your business processes
  • 24/7 Phone and Email Support
  • SAAS or Self-Hosted
  • Source Code sharing. Full transparency and freedom to choose a team to expand functionality
  • Unique optimisation solutions from our experts

what do we offer

We strive to make our product as simple as possible. Simple for us is an intuitive interface that does not require time to learn

  • All
  • Amy
  • Invoices
  • Inventory

Amy 1


Amy 2


Amy 3


Amy 4


Invoice 1


Inventory 1


Inventory 2


Inventory 3


Inventory 4


Kontaktieren Sie uns

Durch die Angabe Ihrer Kontaktdaten erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Amy Sie per E-Mail und Telefon über seine Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Veranstaltungen informiert.